Managing our own emotions can lead to better workplace outcomes.
Welcome to our Emotional Intelligence series. This free online course teaches you how to improve your communication skills and achieve better workplace results.
Introduction - Welcome to our Emotional Intelligence series (5 mins)
Series 1 - What is emotional intelligence (EQ, EI)? (15 mins)
Series 2:
The first step is understanding and then increasing our emotional intelligence by examining our own range of emotions. This lecture analyses self-awareness and why it is important to develop emotional intelligence.
Lecture 4 - Emotional self-awareness
Activity: Download and complete a self-reflection task.
Lecture 5 - How to self-assess accurately
Activity: Download and complete the self-assessment form
Lecture 6 - What is self-confidence?
Next: Series 3 - Self-management - Your team will trust you and work more effectively.